From Hope to Healing: Semira Mohamed's Impact on Rural Health in Ethiopia

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Project Mercy
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Semira Mohamed grew up in Butajira, in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and People's Region (SNNPR) in Ethiopia. At 23, she began attending Project Mercy’s Health Science College to receive her full accreditation as a Health Extension Worker and serve the community.

Semira has completed 16 months of the demanding 18-month diploma program, which sponsors a set of students each year and provides a monthly allowance for transportation and accommodation costs.

The Health Science College is a joint venture with the local Ethiopian government to address the lack of trained and certified medical professionals in rural communities.

Health Extension Workers are an essential part of the Ethiopian health system, because of their ability to reach remote communities through home visits and the trusted figures they have become in society.

Following her time serving communities in Yetebon and neighboring regions, Semira has her sights set on becoming a midwife and intends to upgrade her diploma to a degree at Zeway University.

Her goal is to uplift the health and well-being of mothers and children in rural areas. She firmly believes that by raising awareness and providing vital services to her community, she can help to shape a generation of health-conscious individuals.


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